An optimistic concept city of the future where the buildings are citizens

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Created by Mason Carter

How Blendini City has sustained a “local first” economy

Locally grown, needed by the world

I’m convinced that in 2020s America we are at the late stages of corporate colonialism, where big corporations call the shots, for better and usually worse. Local businesses usually fight for the scraps of people’s money and most of it is siphoned into corporate coffers. Multinational corporations don’t invest locally unless they want to get their name on something.

The money does not circulate in the community. For every Walmart that comes into town and kills the local economy, the money that Walmart makes does not circulate through the local economy, but into the corporate bottom line. Politicians love to give big tax breaks to large corporations to set up shop in their cities. Omaha, Nebraska even agreed to destroy an entire neighborhood so ConAgra would build a campus there (they left after 25 years).

The dynamic in Blendini City is the reverse.

Businesses that grow in Blendini City choose to stay local, the money circulates within, but what “Blendini makes the world takes”. A lot of business invest locally, and the conditions are favorable to starting a business, but the advantages are given to upstarts and those that invest locally rather than outside corporations sniffing for tax breaks. We produce for the world and each other.

We always come first for one another, and as a result, there’s a lot of civic-mindedness from local entrepreneurs who want to give back to the city. This lifts the burden off of the local government a bit for cool civic projects. There’s a lot more to talk about on this topic, but I’ll leave it here for now as I have some Mayoral business to tend to! It’s been a busy day.

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