An optimistic concept city of the future where the buildings are citizens

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Created by Mason Carter


Isaac Ragúnía, a former sci-fi library located in the Moldoun neighborhood, now hates humans and refuses to let anyone in. If anyone dares to enter Isaac, the consequences could be dire. You have been warned!


Former sci-fi library, closed 2129

Years Built

Transit Lines
Green Rail (Banjo Creek Branch)

You gotta deal with some weird stuff when you’re the Mayor. Some buildings refuse to let humans in at all. They’re fine with most of the animals that roam the city streets but not humans.

Buildings and humans have co-existed very well with one another since the start of Blendini City, but that has become a bit more stratified as the city has grown.

It’s impossible to not have some growing pains! Such an example is Isaac Ragúnía. He was a sci-fi library built for human minds. But now he minds the presence of humans very very much.

Honestly, I think that the completely anti-human stance by Isaac puts him at risk of eventually getting demolished, and I hope this doesn’t happen. The problem is what happens when humans try to go inside of him without his consent. Isaac has a sign that says NO HUMANS ALLOWED, but some people just don’t listen to signs. Isaac has told me that he will offer a real-life haunted house experience. Perhaps the sign needs to be more threatening?

But Isaac Ragúnía is also a tough ass nut, and so it’s obvious he will able to defend himself if he’s threatened. Honestly, I love Isaac and we do have a working relationship since I’m the Mayor. I’m the only person in Blendini City who can use Isaac as a building.

I feel like I’ve grown to understand him which has helped me to work with him on city issues and make sure he stays protected.

The humans just need to understand that Isaac needs some space. I understand the urge to just demolish, but to me, that would be a long-term setback for the human-building relationship. Also, he’s got a personality you can never replicate again, for better or worse. 

No comment. You see the sign, and I’m not going to change my mind for you or anybody. Well, maybe the Mayor. Now go away.

Isaac Ragúnía


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