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One of Blendini City’s longest boulevards. Named after the legendary and beautiful pit bull named April Duffy, it spans the entire East-West length of the city, crossing through many neighborhoods.
This view below is in the Blendini Central neighborhood of the city and is a widely-used commercial thoroughfare.
Local Landmarks
April’s Open Door, The Brindle Building
A little bit of everything!
Dates Built
Transit Lines
Orange Rail, April Express Bus, D-Local Bus
The Boulevard is not open to cars, just human-powered vehicles, foot traffic, and buses of many kinds. There is also the Blendini Metro that is underground along with underground space for freight (for deliveries and such).
There are 19 different buildings that you can find in this scene. Variety is the spice of life on Long April Boulevard. Almost every building in this scene is a reference to my dog, April.
The lack of cars changes the vibe on Long April Boulevard throughout, but it’s a vital artery for getting people around. Some sections of the Boulevard are quieter than others, but variety is the spice of life here.
There’s almost any kind of business that you can think of that exists along this Boulevard. The configuration of the Boulevard does change a bit as you go along. Some parts of the median may have fewer trees and more tables for outdoor dining, for example. The median along with the entire Boulevard is taken seriously as a public space, so vendors are also welcome to set up shop along the corridor for a small fee.
Long April Boulevard’s namesake, a beautiful pit bull named April Duffy, is a dog who cares deeply about the public realm and a vibrant corridor of activity. Many behind-the-scenes happen on service alleys and tunnels below the street so that vital activity can occur without disturbing the human experience above. This is an expensive way to conduct business, but it’s worth it because Long April Boulevard serves as the heart of the city and it’s become such a gathering space that the return on investment is high.
What I like about Long Apri Boulevard is that it electrifies me and puts me at ease all at once. Despite the lack of cars, people are able to get to where they need to go. I’d say in a sense, there’s more room for spotaneity for the people on the ground to shop at my business. At the same time, the logistics are still taken care of below.
Spoke Bolton, Foreman at Wheelie’s E-Bike Factory