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She is one of the six buildings that currently has a seat on the Blendini City Council. Francine represents the Ashtoon District Council. She’s tough, willing to change her mind when proven wrong, and principled.
Olde Ashtoon
City Council Member, former fabric shop
In Office
Transit Lines
Orange Rail, April Express Bus
Did you know that alongside humans, buildings can run for City Council? The Blendini City Council comprises 50% humans and 50% buildings so that both populations are represented equally.
She is one of the six buildings that currently has a seat on the Blendini City Council. Francine represents the Ashtoon District Council. One of the human city councilpersons lives with Francine within her building. This is a great thing for the neighborhood constituents who these City Council Members represent!
The citizens also use the Francine building as a place to congregate for town hall meetings where both members of the council can communicate about the goings on of Blendini City on a city level and a neighborhood district level. Built in 2075, before being elected to City Council in 2138, Francine served as a fabric shop and a small manufacturer. She also made herself available as a showroom for anyone in the fabric industry.
She has brought many great ideas to the table and has done a wonderful job implementing the conditions to create a local economy that offers a true equality of opportunity. She’s tough, fair, and willing to change her mind when proven wrong, but also extremely principled. I also love hanging out with Francine in her building as friends!
I’m on City Council because I am able to be a part of the community, give something back, and lead. People and buildings ask me sometimes if I wanted to be on City Council as a steppingstone for some bigger office or power. No. I love this job, and I’m here to serve the citizens. Sometimes they don’t agree with my decisions, but every choice I make is from caring about the greater good and my neighborhoods.
Francine Kiriakis, Blendini City Council