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The Myers-Brigantine neighborhood was originally built as a planned community to show that buildings of all personality types could get along. Located next to the wetlands, there is no other neighborhood like this in Blendini City and possibly any other city in the world.
Local Landmarks
The ESFP Studios, INTP Labs, Wetlands Boardwalk
Life sciences, education, broadcasting, ecological research
Dates Built
Transit Lines
Purple Rail, W-Line Bus, X-Line Bus
The Myers-Briggs personality test has figured heavily into the Myers-Brigantine neighborhood’s history and soul. At the same time, the presence of the wetlands right next to the neighborhood gives a similar feeling to the barrier islands of the Jersey Shore.
It was originally built as a planned community to show that buildings of all personality types could get along. In this scene of Myers-Brigantine there are six buildings pictured here that have taken the Myers-Briggs test. There’s the ESFP Studios, where entertainers make local radio broadcasts. There are a lot of fun shows that come out of ESFP Studios.
At INTP Labs, sustainable energy research is conducted and the labs have done a lot to come up with new efficient ways to harness energy for local consumption. The ESFJ Community Center does a lot for the neighborhood through its programming.
he ENFP School focuses on individualized learning with small classes. The INTJ Architecture Firm has built some of the very buildings you see in this Myers-Brigantine scene. The ISTP Builders focus on building a lot of different simple machines in the region.
Surprisingly, even though there are so many different personalities mixed around in Myers-Brigantine, most get along. There are some exceptions, though. Something immediately apparent when you explore Myers-Brigantine is its unique energy. After all, all of those personalities mixing in one neighborhood do have their unique kind of energy! So it has a very melting pot vibe going on. It’s a lot of fun to wander around this neighborhood and I love walking around as the Mayor, being able to meet someone new and interesting quite often.
I think it’s good that our lab is located in the middle of a diverse neighborhood. There are other research facilities spread across the neighborhood, but I think it’s important that while we have close proximity, we aren’t caught in a bubble. There are always externalities that result from having such different personalities coexist with one another, and I mean both the people and the buildings. But I think that our scientific research would lose its edge if we were somewhere else. We really attract a lot of interesting and smart people to work in our lab.
Dr. Galileo Hawking, Head Scientist of INTP Labs