An optimistic concept city of the future where the buildings are citizens

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Created by Mason Carter


Salvatore Goauche is a newer member of the Blendini City Council, having been elected to office just four years ago. He is big advocate for fun in the city and ran on the platform of making Blendini City a true 24/7 funhouse of a city for all of the neighborhoods.

Picayune Beach/Pastel City

City Council Member

In Office

Transit Lines
Blue Rail

Salvatore Goauche is a newer member of the Blendini City Council, having been elected to office just four years ago. Terms for City Council members are 6 years, so Salvatore still has some time until he needs to worry about re-election. Blendini City is split into neighborhood districts, and so Salvatore also serves as the President of the Pastel Neighborhood District.

He resides on the quiet part of the Picayune Beach section of the Pastel City neighborhood.

However, since he loves fun he sometimes has parties on his slice of beach. In fact, he is big advocate for fun in the city and ran on the platform of making Blendini City a true 24/7 funhouse of a city for all of the neighborhoods. His track record on City Council so far has reflected this goal – he is always coming up with ways that entertainment and music businesses can thrive in the city. He’s also been a strong steward of the local schools that focus on creativity and artistry.

He also LOVES disco and makes sure that the Pastel District is very friendly towards entertainment businesses.

You can see from his shoes that he wants everyone to know his love for disco! Neighborhood groups can meet within his walls and communicate with him directly. One of the humans on city council also lives inside of Salvatore. This isn’t a requirement, but some humans and buildings like to team up and become close friends.

I would say his weakness is that he is overly focused on fun and culture, but has blinders on a lot of other issues. That being said, his focus does prevent a lot of future social problems that cause crime in the first place, but he is weak on addressing short-term problems. 

It’s been my goal to build out a permanent fun and culture “industrial complex” in the city that can last for generations. Some people and others on City Council sometimes think I have blinders on, but I disagree. I’m focused. I’d rather do one thing really really well rather than try a lot and do nothing at all.

Salvatore Goauche , Blendini City Council


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